2021.1.17[日] 13:00/16:00 (各40分程度予定)
神奈川県民ホール ギャラリー
January 17 Sun. 13:00 / 16:00 at Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery
古典曲 盤渉調調子
Ligeti György Sándor : Passacaglia ungherese
TAKEMITSU Toru : Rain Dreaming
ICHIYANAGI Toshi : "Mirage" for Sho and Cembalo
Banshikicho choshi
観覧無料 ※但し展覧会の入場券が必要です。
(チェンバロ)NAGAREO Mai,
Cembalo4歳からピアノを、14歳からチェンバロを始める。東京藝術大学古楽科チェンバロ専攻卒業、同大学院修士課程修了。在学中に安宅賞、卒業時にアカンサス音楽賞受賞。チェンバロと通奏低音を鈴木雅明、上尾直毅、平野智美、大塚直哉、Christine Schornsheimの各氏に師事。在学中より鈴木雅明主宰のバッハ・コレギウム・ジャパンのコーラス練習伴奏者を務めた。現在はバロック音楽を軸としながら、ソロおよびアンサンブルで様々な活動を展開。絵画・演劇・ダンスなどとのコラボレーションのほか、親子コンサート開催や古楽器でのリトミック、後進の育成にも励んでいる。最近では横浜そごう美術館の《フェルメール光の王国展2018》でのヴァージナルとチェンバロのソロコンサートシリーズ、《ウィリアム・モリスと英国の壁紙展》でのスクエアピアノコンサートが好評を博すなど活躍の場を広げている。アンサンブル室町メンバー。日本チェンバロ協会会員。
Nagareo began playing the piano at the age of four, and the harpsichord at the age of fourteen. She graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in harpsichord in the Department of Ancient Music, and completed her master's degree at the same university. While a student she received the Ataka Prize (scholarship), and upon graduation the Acanthus Music Prize. Nagareo studied harpsichord and continuo with Masaaki Suzuki, Naoki Ueo, Tomomi Hirano, Naoya Otsuka, and Christine Schornsheim. During her studies, she served as a rehearsal accompanist for the chorus of Bach Collegium Japan under the direction of Masaaki Suzuki. She is currently active in a variety of solo and ensemble projects, with a focus on Baroque music. In addition to collaborative projects with other genres such as painting, theater, and dance, she also organizes concerts for parents and children, teaches eurhythmics with period instruments, and is active in training young musicians. Recently, here scope of activities have expanded to include a series of solo concerts for the virginal and the harpsichord at the "Vermeer – Kingdom of Light Exhibition 2018" exhibition at the Yokohama Sogo Museum of Art, and a square piano concert at the "Morris & Co. and The Art of Wallpaper" exhibition, both of which were well received. Nagareo is a member of Ensemble Muromachi and the Japan Harpsichord Society.
(笙)MIURA Remi,
Sho国立音楽大学卒。笙を宮田まゆみ、豊英秋各氏に、雅楽合奏を芝祐靖氏に師事。 「伶楽舎」の一員として国立劇場、サイトウキネンフェスティバル松本、サントリーサマーフェスティバル、ULTIMA音楽祭等、国内外の公演に多数出演。2010年パリオペラ座、2012年モントリオール グランバレエにてバレエ「輝夜姫」公演に出演。2015年にはフランクフルトにてアンサンブルモデルンと共演。近年は2018年パリのジャポニスム2018、2019年Japan Society公演(アメリカ、ニューヨーク)、タイ・マヒドン大学でのNew Composition for Traditional Instrumentなどに参加。また笙3人のユニットShogirlsを結成し2012年より毎年公演を行い、笙トリオの委嘱、初演にも積極的に取り組んでいる。学校公演事業にも力を注ぎ、雅楽の裾野を広げる活動にも尽力している。NHK邦楽番組出演の他、TV、CD等の録音も多数。ムサシノ雅楽教室、雅の会ふくしま講師。
A graduate of Kunitachi College of Music, Miura studied the sho with Mayumi Miyata and Hideaki Bunno, and gagaku ensemble with Sukeyasu Shiba. As a member of the ensemble Reigakusha, Miura has performed at many venues in and outside of Japan, including at the National Theatre of Japan, the Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto, the Suntory Foundation for Arts' Summer Festival, and the Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival. In 2010, she performed at the Paris Opera House, and in 2012 with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal in the ballet "Kaguyahime: The Moon Princess". In 2015, she performed with Ensemble Modern in Frankfurt. In recent years, she has participated in the cultural season "Japonismes 2018" in Paris, a performance at the Japan Society in New York in 2019, and in the concert "New Composition for Traditional Instrument" at Mahidol University in Thailand. She has also launched a three-member sho unit, "Shogirls", which has been performing annually since 2012, and is actively involved in commissioning and premiering works for sho trios. Miura also actively takes part in events held at schools and in activities to introduce Gagaku to the public, and has been featured on numearous CD recordings and TV programs, including a program on traditional Japanese music on NHK. She lectures at Musashino Gagaku School and Miyabi-no-kai Fukushima.